Dr. Stephan Heidenhain, Deutschland
Herr Kaplan hat mir sehr geholfen, eine günstige Hypothek samt Kreditvertrag von den vielen Anbietern, d.h. Banken, in der Tschechischen Republik auszusuchen. Ohne ausreichende Marktkenntnis wäre ansonsten die Eingehung von finanziellen Verpflichtungen größeren Ausmaßes ein zu großes Risiko. Altro
Lea Palomba, Italy
Lukas has supported me over 2011 for the purchase of my brand new (and beloved) flat plus helping me to adjust my finances. I have needed help in multiple languages (Italian, Czech, German) and it wouldn't have been achievable without him as he had both the skillset, the experience AND the… Altro
Vincenzo Bove, Italy
Competence, promptness, conscious and effective management of assets, are the fundamental features that distinguish Lukas’ accurate work style.Extreme kindness and disposability do complete the profile of a skilled professional in this field. I can talk about it due to a direct and personal… Altro